Formula results in error - don't know why



I get a value error with the below,
Any ideas why?

=SUMPRODUCT((Data!K7:K9999='Monthly Summary'!A10)*(Data!AE7:AE9999=Data!C1))

Peo Sjoblom

You have either text values in one or both of the ranges or you have a value
error in one of them.

If you use the below instead


then it should ignore text, of course if you intended to have all numbers
they will not be discovered this way



Peo Sjoblom

Jim Thomlinson

The syntax of the formula is fine but depending on your data this might work

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Data!K7:K9999='Monthly Summary'!A10),


Jim and Peo:
Since both of you gave me the same formula it looks like you're in the same
train of thought.

The formula you provided also gave a value error. Perhaps I should explain
a bit more about what I'm trying to do.

1-Data!K7:K9999 is a problem category input chosen from a validation list

2-Data!AE7:AE999 is a calculation of month and date based on when the
complaint was filed (Data!N7:N9999)

=IF(MONTH(N7)<10,YEAR(N7)&" "&MONTH(N7),YEAR(N7)&" "&MONTH(N7))

***This is a calculaiton that my boss put in, I don't get it or like it

3-'Monthly Summary'$C$1 is the cell I am using to change all of the data on
the summary table below. Esentially I want to be able to type in the month
and year and have all the data below change based on the information in Data!

Once I can understand how this formula works, I think I can change it a
little for each part I need.

Let me know if this clears it all up

Dave Peterson

Do you have any text in K7:K9999 on Data or in AE7:AE9999 on Data?

Do you have any errors in those ranges?

If you have text, you can change your formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(Data!K7:K9999='Monthly Summary'!A10),--(Data!AE7:AE9999=Data!C1))

If you have errors, you can use an array formula or fix the errors.


yes, I did. I corrected them and it all works now. Thanks for the help all
of you guys.

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