Formula returning wrong result.


Steve Hunt

I have the following columns where I need to produce a result for cells in
column U based on the result of cells in Column Y.
However at the moment cells in column Y result in YES being returned all the
time. Then when I put "DONE" in column S resulting
in the date appearing in Column T, Y then returns "FALSE". Can't work this
out. Any help welcome.

Column L Column S Column T Column U
Column W Column X Column Y

Date Maint Maint Date Maint Maint Within
Date 45 days Date 45 days
is Due Done Done 90 day
window before due Date after due Date

This field is "Done" On entering Looks at Y
Column L -45 Column L +45 If T is more than
manually is entered "Done" in S Needs to return
or =toW and less
entered. in this field. todays date Yes if T is
than or = to X then
is auto inserted W and
X. Return
return "YES"

No if not and blank

if nothing entered

in T.

Column U =IF(Y2="YES","YES","NO")
Column W =SUM(L2-45)
Column X =SUM(L2+45)
Column Y =IF(AND(T2>=W2),T2<=X2,"YES")

Maint Due Maint Done Date Maint Done Maint Within 90
Date 45 daysbefore Date 45 days after YES/NO or

Day Window Due Date Due Date

08/01/2006 DONE 02/12/2006 NO
24/11/2005 22/02/2006 FALSE

This is an example result. It should have returned Yes as the result not

Help please.

Thanks in advance.

Roger Govier

Hi Steve
Column Y =IF(AND(T2>=W2),T2<=X2,"YES")
Should be

Not sure what you wanted for the False case. Change "NO" to whatever you

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