Formula to answer three questions.



I can not get the formula right to answer three questions and then put a
statement up in excel.

The format ask the user three questions. They are the following:

1) Do you spend 100% of your work hours in the office
2)Do you spend some of your work hours in a office or visiting clients in
their offices
3)Do you spend the majority of your time in the field where you will be
exposed to construction related activities. Construction activities
includebut not limited to the follwing: heavy equipment, scaffolds,
excavations, use fall protection, traffic, aerial lift etc.

-- It is three yes or no answers. I have used If, true false statements
for the yes or no. the part where I am having trouble are the following:
First Scenerio- Yes, No and No I need the following statement to come up in
a cell below "Stop do not go any farther"
Second scenerio Question answered are No, Yes, No - "Stop do not go any
Third Scenerio Question answered as No, NO, Yes Statement is"Proceed"

Can anyone help me out. I have spent three days on this and still can not
figure it out. I have used Ifs, then, true false, I am a rookie at excel
so there could be a simpler way. T



With the three answers in A2, B2 and C2, in D2:-


This will do it, but if any scenario is entered other than the three you
mentioned, or any cell is left empty, it will return a blank cell. You can
enter an error message in between the double quotes at the very end if you
I'm sure someone will come up with a more elegant way, although this works,
it's a bit clunky!




Replace your result at the appropriate combination of Ans1-Ans2-Ans3
I have assumed that answers are in A1, A2 and A3 respectively...

I tried to put your answers in the formula... check this out...
do not go any farther")),IF(A2="Yes",IF(A3="Yes","No-Yes-Yes","Stop do not go
any farther"),IF(A3="Yes","Processed","No-No-No")))

Steve Yandl


I think I'd have different responses for situations where the answer Yes is
given to multiple questions but it's your workbook.

If the answers are in A1, B1, and C1, this should give you the result you
=IF(AND(C1="Yes",COUNTIF(A1:C1,"Yes")=1),"Proceed","Stop do not go any


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