formula to calculate the number




I would require a formula to calculate the number of people available for
the task for each half hour time based on login and logout time.

Col A Col B Col C Col E Col F
Name Logintime Logouttime 7:30 = FORMULA

Shift for the day starts at 7:30 and there will be people who logged at
23:00 last night till 7:30 until the guys join at 7:30.

There will be guys joining one by one after 7:30.

I would require a formula to know the number of people available for each
half hour slot based on the number of people logged in at that time + number
of people who have logged in before and the current time slot is within their
logout time.

Please help me in getting this.


Thanks a lot Herbert

The formula in the logged sheet isn't working and its reflecting #NAME?
error in that column.

Would be great if you can help me in correcting the formula appearing in the
logged sheet.

Herbert Seidenberg

SUMIFs() is a function unique to Excel 2007.
Excel 2003 will tag it as #NAME
Excel 2003 conversion declined.

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