formula to combine cells using if/then


Linda G

Primary First Primay Last Secondary First Secondary Last First Last
John Smith Debbie John & Debbie
Carl Overstreet June Overstreet Carl & June
Robert Johnson Susan Devers

I have the formula that combines the primary first and primary last name if
the Primary Last Name is either the same as the Secondary Last Name or the
Secondary Last Name is blank. =IF(OR(B1=D1,D1=""),A1&" & "& C1,"") I need to
add to this a formula that will combine the Primary First, Primary Last, &
the Secondary First Name into the First Name Column when the Primary Last
Name and the Secondary Last Name are not the same.

Linda G

Thank You Roland, now I have one more question.

I have a formula that will put the Primary Last Name into Cell F2 and would
like to (OR(B2=D2,D2="") I need to add the variable that if B2 Does not equal
D2 and D2 is not blank that it will bring over D2 into cell F2.

Thank YOU

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