Formula to Embed a file object in my excel sheet.




I want to embed(insert) a file object in my current sheet from a external
Java program. Is there any formula to perform this operation ?


Jacob Skaria

If you mean to create a link you can use the below formula

If you are looking to embed a file then try the below macro. If you are new
to macros..

--Set the Security level to low/medium in (Tools|Macro|Security).
--From workbook launch VBE using short-key Alt+F11.
--From menu 'Insert' a module and paste the below code.
--Get back to Workbook.
--Run macro from Tools|Macro|Run <selected macro()>

'Change the <asd> to file fullpath and filename
Sub Macro3()
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add Filename:="<fullpath and filename within
quotes>", _
Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=True
End Sub

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I cannot use Macros as it cannot be invoked from my library. I need some
function which can be executed to embed objects.

Jacob Skaria

There is no inbuilt function in excel to embed an object.

From menu Insert>Object>Create from File
Browse to navigate to folder and select the file
Insert>Check 'Display as icon' and hit OK.

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