Looking for a formula that will be in another worksheet that will identify
Jim had 5 oranges or art had 2 bananas. Would like to have it so that it
would identify Jim and any one of the headers in a range of cells
A2 A3 A4 A5
"Apples" "Oranges" "Pears" "Bananas"
B2 "Jim" 41 0 6 3
B3 "Don" 0 9 0 12
B4 "Art 5 5 0 2
B5 "Fran" 4 0 11 25
Jim had 5 oranges or art had 2 bananas. Would like to have it so that it
would identify Jim and any one of the headers in a range of cells
A2 A3 A4 A5
"Apples" "Oranges" "Pears" "Bananas"
B2 "Jim" 41 0 6 3
B3 "Don" 0 9 0 12
B4 "Art 5 5 0 2
B5 "Fran" 4 0 11 25