I currently have a sheet with the following;
A (Items) B C D E
Glasses - -- - 50
Vests --- -- - 10
Hats -- -- - 45
Glasses -- -- - 20
Hats -- -- - 45
Etc, I need a formula if possible to lookup just Glasses in the column and
return total Qty, Hats total qty...etc, etc. Its sort of like an Inventory
sheet but I enter in as purchased nothing comes out in this sheet and at the
end of the month I just want to know how many in total of the specific item
A (Items) B C D E
Glasses - -- - 50
Vests --- -- - 10
Hats -- -- - 45
Glasses -- -- - 20
Hats -- -- - 45
Etc, I need a formula if possible to lookup just Glasses in the column and
return total Qty, Hats total qty...etc, etc. Its sort of like an Inventory
sheet but I enter in as purchased nothing comes out in this sheet and at the
end of the month I just want to know how many in total of the specific item