Formula to see Top Ten performers



I would like a formula to see the Top Ten performers, example:

In Column A from A1 down to A100 I have a list of Employees by Name
In Column B from B1 down to B100 I list their employee ID#
In Column C from C1 Down to C100 I have their total amount of sales last month

I would like to see who the top ten employees are without sorting

I can't figure this out, this is how I want to see it
-in Column E from E1 to E2 should list the top ten amounts
-next to the amount in Column F should be their employee ID#

Can you please help?

T. Valko

See this:

Includes screencaps. This shows a formula that will return the names
associated with the highest numbers. You'd need to add a formula in column E
to return those numbers. So, enter this formula in E1:


Then enter the array formula** shown in the screencap (adjusted for your
ranges) in F1. Select both E1 and F1 then copy down as needed.

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of

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