Formula to show zero if reference cell is zero? tricky!


Simon Lloyd

Hi all, I have a formula that looks at the cell value on one sheet an
adds it to the previous value on the original sheet, my problem i
this....where this formula appears it shows the last summed value so i
this case from S6 down to Sxxx it will show the value £813 because thi
is the last value it added, in the formula below i would like it t
state that if 'Account Entry'!S6 is zero then dont calculate S6+S5 jus
show zero! is this possible in a formula? =IF('Accoun
Entry'!S6="","0",'Account Entry'!S6+S5)


Tim M

In your sample formula it looks like you are checking to see if S6 is a blank
cell, if so enter a 0. you could try =IF('Account Entry'!S6=0,"0",'Account

Simon Lloyd

Thanks for the reply guys!, the cells that the formula looks at on
another sheet do not always have a zero in them, my problem is that if
i copy my formula down in a column and say the first 3 figures are
1,2,3 then S4 will look at S4 on the Account Entry sheet and then add
S3 off the sheet that is doing the calculation, if i have copied the
formula down then assuming S4 on the Account Entry sheet is 0 every
cell i copied down to will display 6 i would like them to display 0
until there is a value in S4 on the Account Entry sheet!

Hope its possible!


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