Formula Trouble



I need a formula to do this:
say cell d17 has =D10*$D$7, i want the next cell e17 to be
=e10*$d$7+d10*$e$7 and the next cell f17 to be
f10*$d$7+e10*$e$7+d10*$f$7.....and so on so forth...... I dont want to type
the whole thing out in every cell...since the formula continues for about 100
more cells to the right

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David Biddulph

1) What do you think SUM() is doing for you in that formula? If you want
=C17+D10*D7, why not leave it at that?
2) What you've given doesn't seem to be what the OP asked for.


Well maybe David could tell us that
By the way where is ur solution ?
dont u have any or was ur answer just a grumble ?

"David Biddulph" skrev:

David Biddulph

My answer was aiming to help readers of the group to improve their use of
Excel. The answer is that SUM() does nothing for you in that formula.
=C17+D10*D7 would have given the same answer as your =SUM(C17+(D10*D7)), but
it would still have been the wrong answer.

As far as the OP's original question was concerned, if I or other
contributors to the group had seen an easy correct answer we would have
given it, but no-one has done so (even more than a month later), which means
(as far as I can see) that there isn't an obvious correct answer without
rearranging the original data.

Lars-Åke Aspelin

Well maybe David could tell us that
By the way where is ur solution ?
dont u have any or was ur answer just a grumble ?

"David Biddulph" skrev:

Try this formula in cell D7:
(Note: this is an array formula that has to be entered by
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER rather than just ENTER)


Copy the formula as far to the right as you need.

I guess the INDIRECT part of this formula can be done in a somewhat
shorter way, but I leave that for someone else to show.

Hope this helps / Lars-Åke

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