Formula upon Formula......ARRRRGH!!!!!!!



Ok I need to DISPLAY a 2% of a cell that contains a total
The simple math is 6706/2% = 134.12

The problem MIGHT be the fact that the 6706 is a formula itself to figure
out that #
{cell D26}

Ok so the formula Im using for the "grand total" cell D26 is:

What I need in cell e12 is:
The grand total of cell D26
Divided by 2%

I tried =sum(D26/.02)
I tried =sum((e26)/.02) {with e26 = D26}
I tried =sum(abs(e26)/.02))
I tried =(abs(e26)/.02))

What I keep getting is the answer 335,300.........???!!!


JE McGimpsey

You're getting the right answer - 6706 divided by 2% (or 0.02) *IS*

To get 134.12, you need to MULTIPLY by 2%:

=6706 * 2%


Ok That works to get the number I need to display in that cell.

The total amount cell that I need now does not let me adjust the =sum
formula that I want.

So I want this last cell to take the contens of the cell we fixed, less the
big general number and display the difference (keep in mind that the big
geneal number is a formula itself to get the number.

When I try =sum(c26-c11-c23) I get a circular reference ..................
When I try =sum(C26-c11) I get a circular reference......

One more try?

Sandy Mann

What I need in cell e12 is:
AS JE said you should be multiplying not dividing. So to get D26 + 2% of
D26 use:


Or if you want to vary the 2% put 2% in - say - C14 and use:


Note that to do simple arithmetic you don't need SUM() around the arithmetic


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