formula with text and rounding


D Wilson

I am trying to add text to the end of a formula. My formula return
3.103 but I want it rounded to 2 places and keep the numeric propertie
so I can use it in other formulas and add "x". When I try to use th
custom format option #.##"x" it returns only one decmal, that is 3.1
instead of 3.10x. How can I make it show 2 decmil places and keep th
numeric cell properties


D Wilson said:
I am trying to add text to the end of a formula.
My formula returns 3.103 but I want it rounded to
2 places and keep the numeric properties so I can
use it in other formulas and add "x". When I try to
use the custom format option #.##"x" it returns only
one decmal, that is 3.1x instead of 3.10x. How can I
make it show 2 decmil places and keep the numeric cell

You were close: Custom 0.00"x" or 0.00\x.

This only rounds the __appearance__, not the actual value. so 3.105 will
appear as 3.11x, but 3 times that cells will result in 9.32 (really 9.315),
not 3.33.

If you want to round the value, you should use ROUND explicitly in the


Errata.... I said:
This only rounds the __appearance__, not the actual
value. so 3.105 will appear as 3.11x, but 3 times
that cells will result in 9.32 (really 9.315), not 3.33.

A hopefully obvious typo: that should be 9.33.

And I should add: unless you set the "Precision as displayed" option. (Not

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