Formula won't calculate



I currently have the following formula

=IF(D12="SWR","Liz b",IF(D12="TCH","lex G",IF(D12="POS","Mav
H",IF(D12="INT","Rich H", IF(D12="FOU","Ton T",)))))

but when i click out of the box, it does not work out the value, the text
just remains - please can you tell me what is wrong with my formula and how
i can get it to calculate?

Thank you


Is the cell formatted as text? If so, change to general, then click on your
cell, hit F2, and Enter


There are two reasons why this may be happening. First, the cell was
formatted as TEXT. Thus, anything entered into it will be displayed
literally, whether a formula or not. To resolve this, format the cell to
GENERAL. Then renter the formula (you can just hit F2 then ENTER)

If that doesn't work, check to see if Display Formulas is turned on. From
the TOOLS Menu, select OPTIONS. Then, on the VIEW Tab, uncheck the box
labeled "Formulas".


Dave Peterson

Check one of your other posts.
I currently have the following formula

=IF(D12="SWR","Liz b",IF(D12="TCH","lex G",IF(D12="POS","Mav
H",IF(D12="INT","Rich H", IF(D12="FOU","Ton T",)))))

but when i click out of the box, it does not work out the value, the text
just remains - please can you tell me what is wrong with my formula and how
i can get it to calculate?

Thank you

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