On a spreadsheet I have filled cells B1thru B5 with daily quotes on a
particular stock. In cell B6, I want to express the relative growth for that
five day period of time> I know there is a simple formula, but I can't see
how to do it. I am brand new to Excel.


Enter this in B6
this will show you how the fraction showing the increase/decrease of value
in B5 as compared to B1...
so if B1 increased from 100 to 120 in B5, B6 will show you 1.2
You can format it as % to see 120%...
or have
=B5/B1 - 1
to see the % growth (20%)...

basically use * to multiply, / to divide and + or - normally as you would do
on paper...
replace numbers with the cell name like I have done with B1 and B5...

If this is not what you want then show us how you will calculate in on

Shane Devenshire


Another way to look at this, which is equivalent, would be


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