The earliest version of Excel I've ever used was version 4 with XLM
macros.I'v never even seen anything before that,Versions 1 2 and 3 you
speak off,what years were they released?Datedif was a function
"borrowed" from Lotus anyway so probably thats the reason its not
Excel 1 existed only on Macs, and it was released in the mid-1980s. Excel
2.something for Windows 286/386 was released in Fall 1987, and I was using it
under Windows 386 by Spring 1988. Excel 3 came out just after Windows 3.0, so
sometime in 1990, IIRC. In theory XL3 was released after 123R3, but I don't
recall it being much more than XL2 rebuilt for Windows 3 (a precursor to the no
big deal XL5 to XL95 'upgrade').