Alex Hammerstein

Hi I am using the formula below to bring data from one sheet to another.

$P$3:$P$5017="Tricia Woodgate"),Data!$Q$3:$Q$5017)

However at the end I want to return the sum of Q3+R3:Q5017+R5017.

Can someone tell me how to set up the syntax please



JE McGimpsey

Alex Hammerstein said:
Hi I am using the formula below to bring data from one sheet to another.

$P$3:$P$5017="Tricia Woodgate"),Data!$Q$3:$Q$5017)

However at the end I want to return the sum of Q3+R3:Q5017+R5017.

Can someone tell me how to set up the syntax please

One way:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(TEXT(Data!$O$3:$O$5017, "mmm-yy") = TEXT($A9,
"mmm-yy")), --(Data!$P$3:$P$5017 = "Tricia Woodgate"), Data!$Q$3:$Q$5017
+ Data!$R$3:$R$5017)

Alex Hammerstein

Thanks, that was the one variant I didn't try - was trying to make it too
complicated - as usual.


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