


I have the following in a text box above a tab control:
=IIf(IsNull([LastName]),"",[Title] & " " & [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] &
", " & [Company])
This lets me see the name and company of the record on both tabs. However,
the title shows as 1 2 or 3. The title comes from a lookup table and it
giving me the number instead of the actual title. Is there a way to have the
title show up rather than the number. I am using Access 2003

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Ken Snell \(MVP\)

You need to change your form's RecordSource query so that it includes the
Title table, and that it is joined to your main table -- be sure to add the
field name from the Title table that actually holds the title's
name/description to your query's output field list . Then use the field name
from the Title table that actually holds the title's name/description in
your expression.

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