


I have a worksheet with a column for each year since 1998. In each
column there are 52 rows showing each week's income for each year. I
would like to have a cell above each of these columns showing Year To
Date income for each year, comparable to the last completed week of
For Example:
In Column "A" starting in cell "A-7", we have the first week's income
for the year 2006. There are 9 weeks worth of weekly income showing so
In Column "B" will be identically the same, except "B" already has 52
weeks worth of income showing for year 2005.
I want to make cell "A-3" show the year to date income for 2006. I want
to have cell "B-3" show the year to date income for 2005 through the
same week as in Column "A". Should show the YTD income through the 9th
week for each column.
Then so on across the page for years 2004-2003 etc.
Is there a formula that I can use that will automatically advance each
week to show the Year To Date amount in the past years? This will
advance as each week of 2006 advances. Say next week will be an amount
of YTD income for each year through the 10th week.
I realize this is way too wordy, but I can't think of a way to shorten
it and get my question across.

Bob Phillips

in A3


and copy across


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


EXCELLENT !!!!!!!!
Thanks Bob, that worked just fine for me. I owe you now!!
Last year you helped me with one very similar to this too.
Thanks again

Bob Phillips

One a year, that's not too hard <vbg>


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Jack Sons


What means <vbg>?
Can I find a dictionary for abbreviations like that on the internet?

Jack Sons
The Netherlands

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