Formulaed cell response varies from computer to computer



I am using an excel file that I've placed on a shared server folder. I
created the original file, Three other people have access to the file. When
information is enter into the cells from two of the three they get an error
message "$names" in the formualted cells. But, if I open the file and look at
cells they correctly changed the caculation they entered and it appears
correct on my computer. The obvious thought is that we're using different
versions of excel
or updates but we've check that and are all on the same page. The physical
computers are a bit older, but I'm not sure that should effect Excel. We've
also made sure the box is checked to accept labels in the formulas to
correct a message like $names. Here's a sampling of the formula
=IF(F6="",(""),IF(F6="AD or Email",(WORKDAY(L6,-7,AB6:AN6)). This should roll
out a date into the cell when you enter "AD or Email" into cell F6 but the
folks with the problems are getting the error message $names, while I'm
seeing the date ( one of the other folks are seeing the correct date too, as
it should be). I need to have us all seeing the same data and correct date
in the formulated cell.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.



Workday is loaded with the Analysis Toolpak Add-in. It needs to be added for
the computers where it doesn't work.
Tools > Add-Ins > check Analysis Toolpak and click OK.


Thank you. It worked perfect.

BoniM said:
Workday is loaded with the Analysis Toolpak Add-in. It needs to be added for
the computers where it doesn't work.
Tools > Add-Ins > check Analysis Toolpak and click OK.

Gord Dibben

You got an answer to this question over in the worksheet.functions newsgroup.

Best to post to just one newsgroup.

You do not get any more coverage by multi-posting.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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