Formulas and Function Required in Banking Sector



Hi! Everybody

Can anybody tell me what type of Formulas and Function used while
making the MIS REPORT of Banks in India.

Thanks in Advance

Hardeep Kanwar

Shane Devenshire


There are 329 functions in 2003 and 341 in 2007. There are an infinite
number of possible formulas. You need to tell us what you are trying to do.


Thanks Sir,

Actually i go a job in a Bank in India. In

I have never make any type of report of banking Sector

And i don't know which type of formulas are used in this Sector.

In other word i want a Format of their data in excel.

So, thats why i am asking this Foolish Question.

Maybe, a person from India can give this answer.

If anybody know the answer than its most Appreciate other wise its Ok

Hardeep Kanwar

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