Formulas and Functions : building an Excel2000 calculator



Formulas : building an Excel2000 calculato

I want to build a health tax calculator in Excel. I will have 5 household income ranges with a different tax percent for each range. Household income is a total of all of the members salaries. Members of a household are not taxed individually.

As the number of householders increases over 2, 1/4 of 1 percent will be deducted for each person up to 6 people. I am using Windows 2000, and Excel from Office 2000. I would appreciate any advice, book suggestions

Frank Kabel

you already posted this question several times. It would be helpful if
you stay in the existing thread :)


thank you, fred - I'm brand new to this posting business and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to reply and what the thread business is all about. I understand the concept but seem unable to stay with the first thread - i will reread instructions.


Subject: RE: building a health tax calculator, bufo 4/14/2004 12:12 PM PST

TO: Bufo
By: ceil (search by author) In: microsoft.public.excel.misc

(Wow - I'm having a hard time figuring out threads, replying, too many posts -- SO Sorry!!

In reading over post I realized I wasn't too clear. Here are the parameters

Five household income ranges with their corresponding tax: $15,000-19,999 - tax is 2%; 20,000-24,999 - tax is 3%; 25,000-29,999 - tax is 4%; 30,000-34,999 - tax is 5%; 35,000-39,999 - tax is 6

Household income consists of total of 1 or more members salaries. Household members are not taxed individually but as a grou

Different tax for each income range. That tax applies to households up to 2 persons, and then for persons 3, 4, 5 and 6 of that household 1/4 of 1 percent is deducted for each.

So if you have a household of 8 people, 4 of them working with a combined household income of $33,000, the tax would be 5%. For persons, 3, 4, 5, and 6, 1/4 of one percent would be deducted for each so the tax would be 4% instead of 5% for this household.

The number in the household is important but how few or how many are actually working is not part of the equation. Whether its one person working or all 8, its the total of their salaries that determines the household income range

----- Bufo Calvin wrote: ----

Is there a column with a number in it for the "number of
househoulders"? If not, how do you know who goes with
which household
-----Original Message----
Formulas : building an excel calculato
5 salary ranges with a different tax percent for each
range. As the number of householders increases over 2,
1/4 of 1 percent will be deducted for each person up to 6
people. I am using Windows 2000, and Excel from Office
2000. I would appreciate any advice, book suggestions,
(e-mail address removed)

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