Formulas for conditional formatting



Coming back to Excel after a while, I've clearly lost the connections
into the back of my memory wher my knowledge sits - I know I know this


Can someone point me in the direction of a useful resource/tutorial on
conditional formatting.

Specifically, remind me how to get around the fact that formulas are
handled differently than in cells, and random ""s get added, causing
the formatting to fail.

e.g. I added a simple [C14 = "Yes"] formula (wanting the cell to be
coloured red), but when I go back in, I see [="c14=""BT"""]*

The square brackets are in lieu of speech marks which would cause even
more confusion here.


Try this site:

and subsequent tutorials listed at the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps.


Coming back to Excel after a while, I've clearly lost the connections
into the back of my memory wher my knowledge sits - I know I know this

Can someone point me in the direction of a useful resource/tutorial on
conditional formatting.
Specifically, remind me how to get around the fact that formulas are
handled differently than in cells, and random ""s get added, causing
the formatting to fail.
e.g. I added a simple [C14 = "Yes"] formula (wanting the cell to be
coloured red), but when I go back in, I see [="c14=""BT"""]*
The square brackets are in lieu of speech marks which would cause even
more confusion here.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks for that - a very useful source of information.

I think I've got over one of my big hurdles. I'd assumed that you
couldn't use an IF function within conditional formatting, but usiing
Chip Person's site - - I
realised all I needed to do was add a 'TRUE, FALSE' at the end.


The fact that it is conditional formatting implies the use of IF, so
often you do not need to put TRUE or FALSE (if the condition is TRUE
then the CF takes place).

Anyway, glad to be of help.


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