Formula's in Word


Richard Cavender

Does anyone know of a way to get word to calculate VAT
within the limited formula's offered within tables?

I have a table setup on an invoice that autocalculates
the sum of the invoice items above it. What I also want
to do is calculate the VAT amount based on that SUM,
however I cant figure out how to do it without embedding
an Excel spreadsheet (which I dont really want to have to

Any help, greatfully appreciated - this is the first time
I have used these newsgroups.




Does your SUM include the VAT? You don't really say.

If so then the calculation is very simple.

That SUM is 1.175 x the amount before VAT (assuming VAT at 17.5%). So the
calculation you need to do is to take that amount and multiply by 0.175 /
1.175 to find the included VAT. You presumably know how to put that into a
cell in Word.

For other VAT rates, let the VAT percentage be P. Then you need to
calculate the VAT fraction, with is P/100, let's call this fraction V.

Then the relevant factor you must multiply by is V/(1+V).

(You can see that with P = 17.5%, then V = 17.5/100 = 0.175, and hence this
give the 0.175 / 1.175 that I had above).


David (not an accountant)

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