Quite simply, I would like the "value" in cell DO61 to a calculated
percentage based on cells DL61 and DM61. When I enter the necessary formlua
into cell DO61, the formula is immediately converted to the current value, as
if I had done a PasteSpecial-Values. Cell DO61 no longer contains the formula
- It contains the result!
My apology as I was away for the past week. I am still not sure what you are
to achieve. Are you saying that when you change the referenced value in DL61
DM61, the value in DO61 doesn't change?
I tried this by changing the value and the resultant value does change.
If this is not what you are after, pls describe your data table and the
result you
I typed the formula "=TEXT(IF(DL61+DM61=0,0,DL61/(DL61+DM61)),"0.000")" into
cell DO61. When I hit <enter>, the cell value shows "0.700" and the formula
bar shows "0.7". I'm trying to determine a Won/Lost percentage that will
re-calculate when I change the Won/Lost record. Obviously, if the formula is
replaced by the current value, changing the record will not change the
would you elaborate on what you want to achieve?
do you want to show the result of the formula or you want to show
the formula itself?
What might cause, and how can I stop formulas from being automatically
converted to values? When I enter a formula into a cell, it is immediately
stored as the RESULT, not the actual formula. This is not consistent, even
with formulas that are "COPY-DOWN" [<Ctrl-D>] in the same column. Some
formulas remain and some convert to their resulting value.