In case you're interested as to why this occurs, so maybe it might be
avoided in the future:
The first WB open in a session sets the calc mode.
If it was manual, then *all* WBs opened thereafter will be forced into
manual calc.
So, if you opened an auto WB second, and made a revision, and then *saved*
it, it will be *manual* from then on.
BUT, if you opened an auto WB second, but just inspected or examined it, and
closed it without saving, it will retain it's original calc mode.
HOWEVER, if you closed the manual WB, and *no other* WBs are left open, and
*then* you opened an auto WB, that auto WB *now* sets the calc mode for the
session, *UNTIL ALL* WBs are closed again.
So, all you have to do, is try and keep track of your WBs, so that you can
open the correct one first, or else close those that you don't want to set
the mode.
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
God knows, I think its a built in XL feature to randomly alter things to
drive us all mad
RmeAV8tor said:
U Rock Alan. I can't believe I did not look at that. It had be set to
automatic before. I wonder what changed it back to manual?