Formulas won't function



I've searched around trying to figure out how to solve this issue, bu
the problem is I don't know what exactly to call it. I've trie
everything I can think of to fix and I'm still stuck - Short of retypin
all the data, which I did for a few small sheets.

Using 2007. Formulas only work when I click on the cell and hit ente
again. If its a simple sum function and I add 10 to one of the cells
it doesn't add automatically. Same thing for -,/,* and more comple
formulas. This only happens in old files/sheets that are i
Compatibility Mode (read background below).

I had 2003 and had a buddy backup all the files from my PC (excel, pics
docs, etc) on an offline server I keep offsite. In the process h
loaded office 2010 on my PC, but it turns out it wasn't a copy I coul
use long term as I needed to be connected to his corporate network fo
the registration to finalize. Once I discovered the 2010 issue,
couldn't go to him because he's now over in Afghanistan serving, so
loaded 2007 (i have a dozen or so licenses of 2007 unused).

I'm not sure if its an issue with 2003 converted to 2007, or if its th
2010 converted back to 2007, or 2003 converted to 2010 converted t

Thank you in advance for your help


I've searched around trying to figure out how to solve this issue, but

the problem is I don't know what exactly to call it. I've tried

everything I can think of to fix and I'm still stuck - Short of retyping

all the data, which I did for a few small sheets.

Using 2007. Formulas only work when I click on the cell and hit enter

again. If its a simple sum function and I add 10 to one of the cells,

it doesn't add automatically. Same thing for -,/,* and more complex

formulas. This only happens in old files/sheets that are in

Compatibility Mode (read background below).


I had 2003 and had a buddy backup all the files from my PC (excel, pics,

docs, etc) on an offline server I keep offsite. In the process he

loaded office 2010 on my PC, but it turns out it wasn't a copy I could

use long term as I needed to be connected to his corporate network for

the registration to finalize. Once I discovered the 2010 issue, I

couldn't go to him because he's now over in Afghanistan serving, so I

loaded 2007 (i have a dozen or so licenses of 2007 unused).

I'm not sure if its an issue with 2003 converted to 2007, or if its the

2010 converted back to 2007, or 2003 converted to 2010 converted to


Thank you in advance for your help.

A guess...

Formula tab > Calculation > Calculation options > Click on Automatic.



A guess...

Formula tab > Calculation > Calculation options > Click on Automatic.


Wow, I knew it had to be simple, but that is embarrassingly simple.

I knew I was barking up the wrong tree.

That was it. Thank you very much


A guess...

Formula tab > Calculation > Calculation options > Click on Automatic.




Wow, I knew it had to be simple, but that is embarrassingly simple.

I knew I was barking up the wrong tree.

That was it. Thank you very much.

You are welcome. I've been there - done that! And about to do it again regarding a simple Select Case where case 1 & 2 work fine but 3 doesn't. Identical syntac but no go on 3.


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