Created a form with Text Form Fields. I want the field
with the bookmark named Text7 to be multiplied by the
field with a bookmark named Text8 and the result in text
form field bookmarked Text9. Text7 & 8 are both coded as
numbers. I put this formula in the Text9 form field {=SUM
(Text7*Text8)}. I've tried with out the brackets and still
no results. Arghhhh! No hair left trying to figure out
this simple formula.
with the bookmark named Text7 to be multiplied by the
field with a bookmark named Text8 and the result in text
form field bookmarked Text9. Text7 & 8 are both coded as
numbers. I put this formula in the Text9 form field {=SUM
(Text7*Text8)}. I've tried with out the brackets and still
no results. Arghhhh! No hair left trying to figure out
this simple formula.