Can someone please help me with these 2 formulas that I need to enter into
my Spreadsheet?. I am trying to set up a Profit calculator for my Ebay
listings. This would be appreciated
thanks so much
Selling Price - US$25.01 - US$100.00
10.00% of the initial US$25.00 (US$2.50), plus 7.00% of the remaining
closing value balance
Selling Price - US$100.01 - US$1,000.00
10.00% of the initial US$25.00 (US$2.50), plus 7.00% of the initial
US$25.01 - US$100.00 (US$5.25), plus 5.00% of the remaining closing value
balance US$100.01 - US$1,000.00
my Spreadsheet?. I am trying to set up a Profit calculator for my Ebay
listings. This would be appreciated
thanks so much
Selling Price - US$25.01 - US$100.00
10.00% of the initial US$25.00 (US$2.50), plus 7.00% of the remaining
closing value balance
Selling Price - US$100.01 - US$1,000.00
10.00% of the initial US$25.00 (US$2.50), plus 7.00% of the initial
US$25.01 - US$100.00 (US$5.25), plus 5.00% of the remaining closing value
balance US$100.01 - US$1,000.00