Forums or Blogs. How do I do it?!?!


Desperate Dan

I am building a website using publisher, I want to integrate a forum or blog
facility. Is this possible and how do you do it!?!?! Please help!!!

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

not with Publisher

you'd need a third party solution, but before you go shopping you need to
know what your server supports: ASP/Access/MSsql....or PHP/MYsql. When you
know which then you can go look for a portal/forum solution...and there are
several really good free ones out there too.

also, check with your host, sometimes they have them available for low cost
or free too.

|I am building a website using publisher, I want to integrate a forum or
| facility. Is this possible and how do you do it!?!?! Please help!!!

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