Forward a calendar message as an email using CDO

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I'd like to create a VB application that will forward a calendar message to
another user, and "recast" the message from a calendar message to an email
(ie IPM.NOTE).

I'm able to open the calendar message, create a new message that is a
"forward", and I've tried to set multiple fields to change the message to an
email. Regardless of the fields I set, the user I forward the email to sees
a calendar message. Here are the five message fields(s) I've tried:
= "urn:content-classes:message"
iMsg.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-class").Value =
iMsg.Fields("DAV:contentclass").Value = "urn:content-classes:message"
iMsg.Fields("").Value =
= "IPM.Note"

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Peter Huang [MSFT]

Hi Russ,

This newsgroup is mainly discussing how to use Office Object Modal to
automation office product.

For you scenario, I think it would better post in the newsgroup.

However, this queue is not a MSDN managed queue yet. That means you won't
be guranteed to get a reply in 2 business days there. So if the issue is
urgent for you, I think the best way is to use one of your MSDN subscriber
free support incident to contact our customer support service. There will
be one Exchange dev support engineer working specially with you on it.
Please visit the following page for how to submit it:

If you have any more concerns, please feel free to post here. Thanks very
much for your understanding.

Best regards,

Peter Huang

Microsoft Online Community Support
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