Ok, so I am a new consultant given a PC w/ MS Excel XP (aka 2002)
loaded on it to write an app that includes VBA. Live day comes and I
learn that the Users are all running Excel 97. (Let's not get into the
version issue.)
So I just learned the hard way that Excel 97's VBA (version 8?) does
not support the VBA and Excel named types I used. For example,
although vbMsgBoxResult is a known type (I can see it in the Object
Browser), I get an 'Automation type not supported in Visual Basic'
dialog box.
Here is some of what the <Help> button displayed...
Not all types are supported in Visual Basic. This error has the
following cause and solution:
· You tried to use a type in your program that has no equivalent in
Visual Basic for Applications. For example, Visual Basic has no pointer
or unsigned integer type, so if you try to create a variable of one of
those types from an object library, this error occurs. In the following
example that follows, even though Rainbow may be a valid structure,
Visual Basic can't create a variable of that type if it contains a type
Visual Basic doesn't recognize:
Dim MyVar As Rainbow ' Causes error.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Jacob Kornit
loaded on it to write an app that includes VBA. Live day comes and I
learn that the Users are all running Excel 97. (Let's not get into the
version issue.)
So I just learned the hard way that Excel 97's VBA (version 8?) does
not support the VBA and Excel named types I used. For example,
although vbMsgBoxResult is a known type (I can see it in the Object
Browser), I get an 'Automation type not supported in Visual Basic'
dialog box.
Here is some of what the <Help> button displayed...
Not all types are supported in Visual Basic. This error has the
following cause and solution:
· You tried to use a type in your program that has no equivalent in
Visual Basic for Applications. For example, Visual Basic has no pointer
or unsigned integer type, so if you try to create a variable of one of
those types from an object library, this error occurs. In the following
example that follows, even though Rainbow may be a valid structure,
Visual Basic can't create a variable of that type if it contains a type
Visual Basic doesn't recognize:
Dim MyVar As Rainbow ' Causes error.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Jacob Kornit