Forwarding a response to a voting box back to original recipient plus another person



I am using a holiday request form which I downloaded from a website

The person fills in holiday information and sends to his/her manager t

The manager accepts/declines the holiday request and the form i
bounced back to the originator to let him/her know of the result.

I am wanting to be able to send the response to another perso
(preferrably only 1 person) who is not the originator.

Is there anyway of doing this, either using vbscript. If so any hel
would be appreciated.


Sue Mosher [MVP]

Presumably the form has script that runs when the Accept or Decline button is clicked. That script would be in the Item_CustomAction event handler; that's where your code would need to set the address for the outgoing response item.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart
for Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


This is what is in the code window. I have got the cc: field to work but it sends the request to the cc: not the response from the sent to: field.

Function Item_CustomAction(ByVal Action, ByVal NewItem)

select case Action.Name
case "Approve"
item.userproperties.find("Approved") = true
Actions.Item("Approve").Enabled = False
Actions.Item("Deny").Enabled = False
NewItem.Body = "Your request from " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off From")) & " to " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off To")) & "for " & (item.userproperties.find("Totaldays"))& " days leave has been approved."
case "Deny"
item.userproperties.find("Denied") = true
Actions.Item("Approve").Enabled = False
Actions.Item("Deny").Enabled = False
NewItem.Body = "Your request from " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off From")) & " to " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off To")) & "for " & (item.userproperties.find("Totaldays"))& " days leave has been denied."
end select


Item_CustomAction = true

End Function

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