I am using a holiday request form which I downloaded from a website
The person fills in holiday information and sends to his/her manager t
The manager accepts/declines the holiday request and the form i
bounced back to the originator to let him/her know of the result.
I am wanting to be able to send the response to another perso
(preferrably only 1 person) who is not the originator.
Is there anyway of doing this, either using vbscript. If so any hel
would be appreciated.
The person fills in holiday information and sends to his/her manager t
The manager accepts/declines the holiday request and the form i
bounced back to the originator to let him/her know of the result.
I am wanting to be able to send the response to another perso
(preferrably only 1 person) who is not the originator.
Is there anyway of doing this, either using vbscript. If so any hel
would be appreciated.