Found a bug in the link between Outlook 2003 and Word 2003


Phil Seaman

Try this and see if you have the same problem as me and all of my users.
It's only minor but rather annoying at times and as there is no real option
of reporting this to Microsoft, I thought I'd come here.

Open up Outlook 2003 and open a window to create a new mail and leave it open.
Open Word 2003 and a document.
Attempt to close just the document and Word will close down altogether.

Close the new mail window
Open Word 2003 and a document and then close just the document
Word stays open.

I know that removing the link in Outlook 2003 to use Word 2003 as the
default e-mail editor makes the issue go away but then you lose all of the
functionality that is supposed to be there.

If anybody has a solution I would be impressed.

BTW I have all of the latest service packs for both products installed

Thanks all


Roady [MVP]

And what would be the real issue? It's not like it will be hogging memory
over this, in fact it's actually being optimized this way. There is a
difference in if the mail editor loads in the Word memory space or in the
Outlook memory space. In your first example the editor could have been
loaded in the outlook.exe process since Word wasn't running yet and in the
second in the word.exe process since word was running already. Loading it
for a second time in the outlook.exe process would only take up more memory
usage. Since it is impossible to transfer over the memory from word.exe to
outlook.exe closing all Word document windows will keep the "editor memory"
still loaded in the word.exe process.

Note that you can always contact Microsoft Product Support directly if you
think you have found a bug.

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