Found a work-around, but would like a better solution to Pivot Table problem



I found a post on the Dell Community groups that claimed that
uninstalling Publisher would fix the problem. Surprisingly, this did
fix the problem!

Since I do use Publisher on an occasional basis, however, I would like
to find a better resolution to this apparent conflict. I am using
Office XP (SP-2) on a Windows XP Professional computer.

Does anyone know how to fix this without uninstalling Publisher?


Arvin Meyer

Marcia said:
I found a post on the Dell Community groups that claimed that
uninstalling Publisher would fix the problem. Surprisingly, this did
fix the problem!

Since I do use Publisher on an occasional basis, however, I would like
to find a better resolution to this apparent conflict. I am using
Office XP (SP-2) on a Windows XP Professional computer.

Does anyone know how to fix this without uninstalling Publisher?


Fix what? You've lost the thread somewhere Jessi (Marcia?) You do realize
that this is a MS-Access database newsgroup, don't you?
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Arvin Meyer

Fix what? You've lost the thread somewhere ?

Clairvoyance has returned! Actually I found the other disconnected thread.
Your question is how can you work around the Pivot Table bug without
uninstalling Publisher? One possible answer:

Use the TransferSpreadsheet() method to output your data to an Excel
spreadsheet. You should be able to use an Excel Pivot Table.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:


Thanks for your help. (Sorry for disconnecting the thread! I naively
thought that "posting a followup" to my own message would maintain the
thread, but apparently not when you change the subject title! Ha!)

Again, thanks!

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