FP 2000 - CSS - Run Time Error - Crashing




I'm working on my own webpage with little to no frontpage/ html / css
experience. I'm learning as I go. I actually just discovered css yesterday
and have been researching all day yesterday to learn how to use them.

When I create a new style sheet, if I don't put anything in it and save it,
it saves fine. If I add a style such as .title with font attributes. As
soon as I save it, I either get a runtime error or a crash box that says
"Microsoft FrontPage application file has encountered a problem and needs to
close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Any suggestions?

Thank you!


Thomas A. Rowe

You have to open the file in Notepad to avoid the crashing.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



so i can't use the style options in FP, I have to write the code manually? I
don't know enough about css to write my own code.

is that the only solution?

thanks for your help!


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