FP 2002 DIW Error


Paul Schandel

I am using FP 2002 and the Database Interface Wizard to create a
Add/Delete/Edit and Submission Form page. It accesses and displays the data
fine. My problems come in 2 different areas.

1) When adding a new record it comes back and tells me the record has been
added. Though when I view the database and table the record is no where to
be found. So it doesn't actually seem to be adding.

2) When I edit a record and try to update the record I get the following
error: Remember though... this isnt my code its all code the FP auto
generates so I have no clue as to what the code does etc...

Database Results Error
Description: Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
Number: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine

One or more form fields were empty. You should provide default values for
all form fields that are used in the query.

Now, just so you know, I have gone through and put data in every field and I
still get the error just without the message of the empty fields.

Mark Fitzpatrick

It could be that the permissions to the DB are incorrect which would
result in info not getting saved. Number 2 usually generates this error when
one of the fields in the database has been set to not accept null values
(empty) so it throws an error unless some value is passed to the field in
the db. Check and make sure that the fields in the db can accept null or
empty values, or enable validation on the form to require a form field to be
filled in at least.

There are some KB articles that may help



Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Paul Schandel

As to what exactly caused the problem I cannot say. My solution though
seemed a bit bizarre... BUt here is what I did.

I removed and deleted my global.asa file. I then copied my databases over
to my local hard drive and delted them off the server. Removed all pages in
reference to the DIW that it created.

I then re ran the DIW. I infact had to re run this several times. I chose
the option to let it create the database for me. I inputed 5 fields and
tested it. It worked wonderfully. Wether I had blank values for the fields
or not. Then I continued to add all 40+ fields that I had. Well it came
back to the error again. So I re-wiped everything, started from scratch,
and added 5 fields.. It worked.. deleted re-added 10 fields.. worked...
deleted.. re ran and added 15 fields... etc etc all the way up to the 40+
fields I have... By the time I was done it worked fine with all 40+ fields,
allows me to now add/edit/delete the fields from the web page as well as use
my picklist and personal display page to display the data as well to the

Now as to why it wouldn't take them the first time I added all 40 using the
DIW interface to create the database I won't know. But in the long run by
deleting and re-creating the database over and over again.. testing to see
where the failure would occurr ... it didn't.. it worked.. so I didnt mess
with it any further...

Just what I did to get FP 2002 and Access 2002 to play together nicely to
give me what I want :)

Damn if this hasn't been an experience...

Now.. back to editing my display page to output the information in a nice
formatted manor.... whew! (hope management appreciates my work on this...)

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