FP 2002 Publishing a back up web-FP is confused.


David Levine

Hi: FP 2002 does not recogonize that a back-up copy of the master website is
the same as the one that I lost when the original hard drive died.
My production Website is hosted on a third party webserver that supports FP
extentions without problem for the last 4 years.
1) I recently installed a new hard drive on my PC after the old HD died.
2) I copied a back up of my website (the last version from 11/2004 and the
one I use to do development) onto the new hard drive. It would not publish
updated or new pages to the pre-existing website that was already live on the
web server.
3) So, I deleted the production website and republished it. However, now FP
2002 is not able to distinguish pages already published from those that have
not been published.
4) So, I cannot post one new page without publishing the whole website all
over again.
5) It doesn't matter if I choose "Changed pages only" or "Determine changes
by comparing source and destination webs" or "Use source timestamps..."
6) The message says that the pages in question (which is all of them and
they are all already on the webiste) was last updated 11/2004 by me. In other
words, FP is not able to recogonize that the website I copied onto my hard
drive from the back up disk is actually the same website, and this even after
I deleted and republished the website.
7) Is there a way to refresh the whole website? I tried "recalculate
hyperlinks" and it didn't fix it. Do I need to have the web hosting company
purge my site completely, erasing hidden files?
8) Or is it local problem in that the back-up version, which is now the
master that I develop on, is not properly indexed and therefore does not know
that it is a website???
Is there a fix for this? A Way to refresh so FP knows that it has already
published the pages??

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