FP 2003 and script quotes


Terry Diederich

I'm just starting to use FrontPage 2003. I have some server-side
scripting using vbscript in some of the pages. When I try to enter a
double-quote (") in the vbscript, FP is treating it like HTML code and
converting it to “ (opening quote) and ” (closing quote).
I've looking through the settings for FP2003 but haven't found the right
setting to turn this off. Anyone know?


Kevin Spencer

Hi Terry,

I created a test ASP page and the following was its content:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>New Page 1</title>

Response.Write "Hello"



No changes were made to the script by FrontPage, and it ran as expected in a
browser, writing "Hello" out to the page. what did you do differently?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I'm just starting to use FrontPage 2003. I have some
server-side scripting using vbscript in some of the
pages. When I try to enter a double-quote (") in the
vbscript, FP is treating it like HTML code and
converting it to " (opening quote) and " (closing quote).
I've looking through the settings for FP2003 but haven't
found the right setting to turn this off. Anyone know?

Are you entering this code in Code view?

Are you sure your server-side vbscript delimiters are
o <% and %> for ASP code.
o <script runat="server"> and </script> for ASP.NET code.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Terry Diederich

what did you do differently?

I brought in an existing page rather than create a new one. Other than
that, I didn't anything different. It was a fresh install of FP2003 so
it was using all the default settings.

Terry Diederich

Are you entering this code in Code view?
Are you sure your server-side vbscript delimiters are
o <% and %> for ASP code.

Yes, the delimiters appear to be correct.

I noticed on the Page Options dialog on the Color Coding tab that there
are options for Script Identifiers, Script Keywords, etc. Should the
script section of my page appear with different colors in the Code view?
The HTML code is color coded but not the script sections.

Kevin Spencer

Please explain what you mean by "brought in an existing page." All that is
needed to run an ASP page is an IIS web server to host it, with the web site
set up to allow ASP, a page with a .asp extension, and an HTTP request to
the web server's URL for the ASP page.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Terry Diederich

Kevin said:
Please explain what you mean by "brought in an existing page."
I opened a file in FrontPage that already existed.

You asked what I was doing differently than what you described. The
only thing, other than the content of the ASP page, was that I was using
a page that already existed and was originally created outside of
FrontPage. You said you created a new page. That was different.
All that is needed to run an ASP page is an IIS web server
I know how web servers and ASP works but that isn't relevant. I don't
think you understand my question.

FrontPage has some sort of "auto-correct" feature that was changing the
double-quotes that I was typing into the editor to “ and &#8221.
The problem was I was trying to enter VBScript at the time, not HTML
where the conversion would be acceptable. I was asking how to turn this
"feature" off.

Jim Buyens

Terry Diederich said:
Yes, the delimiters appear to be correct.

I noticed on the Page Options dialog on the Color Coding tab that there
are options for Script Identifiers, Script Keywords, etc. Should the
script section of my page appear with different colors in the Code view?
The HTML code is color coded but not the script sections.

By default, HTML tags are purple, HTML attribute names are bright red,
and HTML attribute values are blue.

ASP code usually appears in dark red. If your's is showing up in some
other color, you probably have an unmatched angle bracket or quotation
mark someplace.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Kevin Spencer

It doesn't matter whether you open an existing document or create a new one.

Were you typing your code into the Code View or the Design View?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kevin Spencer

Very odd. I don't remember setting anything to anything other than default.
Did you paste it by any chance?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kevin Spencer

Glad you worked it out! :)

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Terry Diederich

Kevin said:
Very odd. I don't remember setting anything to anything other than default.
Did you paste it by any chance?

No pasting, I was typing. This was a fresh install of FP2003 from the
day before and I hadn't changed any of the settings, in fact I hadn't
even looked at the options that were available until I started having
this problem.

As a work around yesterday I was copying double quotes from another part
of the file and pasting it when I needed to enter double quotes. That
worked, the pasted double quotes stayed double quotes. It was only when
I typed them in from the keyboard that they changed.

Hmmmmmm.... I just brought those same pages up today to work on them
some more and it isn't doing it. When I type a double quote it stays a
double quote. I was changing some of the settings yesterday to try to
fix this but nothing seemed to work. Maybe a setting didn't stick until
I closed and opened FP? Seems weird but it is working for now.


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