FP 2003 / ASP Probls




I am using FP 2003 on a W2003 Web server on a LAN, which
has FP2002 extension set up.

When I am using Search Page or Database Wizard from FP,
it's OK up to the desgin stage.
However once published, the following errors appears:

1/For Database: (using db wizard with sample Northwind db)

a/For the database_editor.asp page:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'

Disallowed Parent Path

/Sample_interface/Products/editor/list.asp, line 124

The Include file '../../../_fpclass/fpdblib.inc'
cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.

b/For The result_page:

http 500- Internet Server Error - This Page cannot be

2/ For the Search Page

Search page loads OK, but when carrying out the search
on a word a Error 404 - The page cannot be found comes up
I have checked and the file is there...

Can anyone help ????


David Berry

For the parent path issue, open IIS, right-click and choose Properties,
Click the Home Directory Tab. Click Configuration, Click the Options Tab
and check off Enable Parent paths

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