FP 2003 - Malformed URI


Malcolm Walker

HTML Tidy reports the following code, and seven other similar bookmarks,
as malformed:

<td width="29%"><b>
<a href="course.html#Priority">
<font color="#BF0D62" face="Trebuchet MS" style="font-size:

I would like to know why. Can anyone enlighten me please?


Change face="Trebuchet MS" to face="'Trebuchet MS'" Note the single
quotes around the font name - required when the name contains a space.

Or better still, rewrite the whole link as (and move away from the
deprecated font tag):

<td width="29%"><p><b><a href="course.html#Priority"

I would go further and change the 9pt (a printers measure which will
vary in different browsers) to 12px or a scalable font size such as
x-small, 80% or .8em (which depends on whether you have a !doctype or

Malcolm Walker

Thank you for your advice - once more - it is appreciated very much.

My doctype is the default from FP 2003:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

While FrontPage has been an asset to me since FP 97 it seems very much
outdated now. My aim is to convert my site at: www.sandiwaygolf.co.uk/
to CSS as far as is possible and practical for me. It's hard work for
an old dog like me to learn new tricks! That's why being able to get
assistance and advice in this NG is so welcome. {8;-))

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