FP buttons causing warning


Don Dean

Is there a way to shut off the warnings that are being caused by FP2003
interactive buttons and Nav bar buttons?
Whenever I insert an interactive button or Nav bar buttons and then check
out the page in IE, I get the following warnings:

"To help protect your security, IE has restricted this file from showing
active content that could access your computer.

Allowing active content such as script & Activex control can be useful, but
active content might also harm your computer.

Are you sure you want to let this file run active content? Yes / No."

If I remove the buttons, the messages don't appear. These messages are
quite undesirable to have on a web page since it could make users think I
intend them harm.


The warnings only apply to your disc based web on your PC. When
published to a server, the warnings will not occur.

You can turn these warnings off (but think carefully about the
security implications if you do) by changing settings in Internet

Tools->Internet Options
Advanced Tab
Scroll down to security section
Tick the box "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer"
Click OK

Bear in mind that this leaves you wide open to any nasties in web
pages you may have downloaded to your PC.

Don Dean

Thanks Ronx.
Didn't realize the warnings were PC based as opposed to web/server based.
I'll leave the settings as is.


You can also suspend these warnings without adjusting your local security by
inserting the "Mark of the Web" below any given page's doctype -

<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

Don Dean

Thanks Murray.
I'm sorry, but this one flew by me. (My brain must not be in gear.)
Are you saying insert the comment you've shown below into my HTML code?
Is the doctype a meta tag?


Yes - insert it on each page you wish to preview. It would go directly
under the <html> tag (whether or not you have a doctype declaration).

Don Dean

That's cool.
It works great Murray.
If I may ask, where do you pick up little things like this?

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