How did you manage to publish to
http://inetpub/wwwroot/myfile ?
This is a disc location with a http:// prefix, and any attempt to
publish would normally generate errors, such as "no server at.....".
This location would generally be referred to as
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myfile. (It can be done with a suitable amendment
to the Hosts file.)
The correct locations to publish to are
where myweb is the name of the subweb you are publishing to, and
machinename is the network name given to your PC. All of these will
place the files in C:/inetpub/wwwroot/myweb as a server based web.
The FrontPage form handlers will not work unless you have HTTP
published to a server running the extensions. Since you may have
corrupted the extensions on localhost (using that file location) check
and repair the extensions (method depends on the extensions version)
then republish to