FP + Linkbars + htm + php, wazzup?!



Woes, me... My Linkbars are showing just an "x" with the
alternate text...

Here's what's goin' on with my Frontpage 2003 based web...

I've added newsfeeds from newsknowledge to my site. The
(8) individual topics reap 40-50 headlines on each page.
Let's call them: Topic1.php thru Topic8.php; these (8)
pages are hanging off of a news_main.htm page. So when I
try to navigate from one topic.php page to another, I get
the screwed up linkbars. If I get out of the news area,
linkbars are fine above that news area, (Parents) where
there are other linkbars.

So since this started after I added the .php topic pages
and they are hanging off of the main .htm page, I was
wondering if this had anything to do with my linkbars
being screwed up. Showing just as an "x" with alternate
text. The other pages outside of the news area are okay
and don't present this wackiness. Can htm and php pages
literally "hang-out" together, or is there something else
going on?

I've already tried rcalcing links ooff site and "ON-THE-
SERVER", still, same-o!

Woes, me... NYDUDE

Please help me FP Wizards - I now ya can. :eek:)

Thomas A. Rowe

Add your pages to your FP navigation as .htm, then Recalculate Hyperlinks,
then rename the pages back to .php and see if that helps.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Bob Lehmann

What does "hanging off of a page" mean? Not all of us "Dudes" are up the
latest technospeak.

htm pages "hang out" just fine with php pages, and have even been known to
get cozy with asp pages once in awhile - Unless, of course, they diss those
pages' extensions - "literally" that is.

A little more "wackiness" - Maybe you should grow up and learn to speak
English, instead of of living in some kind of dot-com fantasy land where
everyone talks the ultra-cool talk that noone really understands.

Props to Linus "X-Man" Torvaldt & Billy "Big M" Gates.

Peace, Out -
Bob Lehmann


Thank you Thomas, I'll give that a try... :eek:)

Mr. Lehman, you sound like a bored, fat, and bald sorry-
ass excuse of man. Go get laid, really! You're in the
wrong newsgroup. A-WHOLE!

Bob Lehmann


I commend you on your mastery of the caps-lock key, but you're way off on
what you think I sound like.

At least when I was your age (12, 13), I could spell and intelligently
communicate a thought.

Bob Lehmann


Is that right? Trust me, everyone on this newsgroup has
you all figured out! Mr. dontbotherme.zzz Client

With a domain like that, the world knows what a true-blue
nut-licker you truly are. :/ Go blow your dad if your
bored... When you was my age, 12, 13 you learned to
communicate? You mean: "I like it in the ass"... Is
this the communication your're referring to?

Bob Lehmann

Mr. dontbotherme.zzz
Not quite bright enough to figure out a phony maill address, Dude? You must
love the spam you get, Dude.
Is this what they're teaching in 8th grade these days, Mr. Clampett - Or,
may I call you Jethro?
No, but you seem to be especially gifted in that style, Dude. I guess
there's nothing like real-life experience to bring out your natural talents,

Have a nice day, Dude....
Bob Lehmann


Have a nice day yourself toots! ;/

-----Original Message-----
Not quite bright enough to figure out a phony maill address, Dude? You must
love the spam you get, Dude.

Is this what they're teaching in 8th grade these days, Mr. Clampett - Or,
may I call you Jethro?

No, but you seem to be especially gifted in that style, Dude. I guess
there's nothing like real-life experience to bring out your natural talents,

Have a nice day, Dude....
Bob Lehmann


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