FP shuts down when trying to save a new page



Thanks to both Chris and Steve for trying to help but neither of the
suggestions worked. Any other ideas?

My Original Problem:

I've been using FP since it's Beta Version came out, in 96 I believe. All
my sites are in Front Page. I've run into an error however, that has me
stumped. I have a new computer (Windows NT..previously used Windows 98) and
loaded my copy of Front Page 2000 to it. However, when I try to save a new
page, or do a "save as" on an existing page, it gives me a dialogue box
saying that the program has encountered an error and has to shut down. I've
tried reloading the program, downloading NT service packs, rebooting Front
Page and the computer and the suggestions offered below from this forum.

Chris Leeds wrote: try tools/ web settings/ advanced tab, and check the
delete temporary files box.

Steve Easton wrote:
Close FrontPage
Do a search using windows search, for files named *.web ( with the
asterisk )
Delete all found.
Then search for *.tmp and delete all found.
Then try FrontPage again.

I'm open to any new suggestions??? Thanks in advance once again!


Oops, correction. It's Front Page 2002 I'm using..not 2000. I don't know
if that makes a difference but it might.



Stefan B Rusynko

Only the following step for trouble shooting
Try the usual repairs in the sequence below:
1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
Usually in C:\WINDOWS\Temp and %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
Usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
3) Run a Repair on IE
(see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=318378 )
4) Install all Service Packs for your OS, IE, MS Office and your Video card
(Windows Update and Office Update sites, plus your video card supplier site)
5) Open FP and Disable or Uninstall any FP Addins,
6) Open your FP Web/Site and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks

| Oops, correction. It's Front Page 2002 I'm using..not 2000. I don't know
| if that makes a difference but it might.
| Thanks!
| Dustie
| | > Thanks to both Chris and Steve for trying to help but neither of the
| > suggestions worked. Any other ideas?
| >
| > My Original Problem:
| >
| > I've been using FP since it's Beta Version came out, in 96 I believe. All
| > my sites are in Front Page. I've run into an error however, that has me
| > stumped. I have a new computer (Windows NT..previously used Windows 98)
| > and loaded my copy of Front Page 2000 to it. However, when I try to save
| > a new page, or do a "save as" on an existing page, it gives me a dialogue
| > box saying that the program has encountered an error and has to shut down.
| > I've tried reloading the program, downloading NT service packs, rebooting
| > Front Page and the computer and the suggestions offered below from this
| > forum.
| >
| > Advice:
| > Chris Leeds wrote: try tools/ web settings/ advanced tab, and check the
| > delete temporary files box.
| >
| > Steve Easton wrote:
| > Close FrontPage
| > Do a search using windows search, for files named *.web ( with the
| > asterisk )
| > Delete all found.
| > Then search for *.tmp and delete all found.
| > Then try FrontPage again.
| >
| > I'm open to any new suggestions??? Thanks in advance once again!
| >

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