FP Site Help


James Odom

I have a web site that i use FP with and on the navation bar i have 2 top
level pages. I would k=like to create 2 sites under the same domain name. is
there a was to stop having to type the .htm with the second page as the main
will do it because it is defalt. i would like to be able to give the web site
as www.whatevery.com/fire. or if some one would tell me how to get it to do
www.wahtevery.fire.com would be great


Your host must support subwebs. Open your site in FrontPage and create
a folder named fire. Right click on the folder and choose "Convert to
Web". FrontPage will display a warning, and create a subweb. In the
folder list double click on the new subweb and a new instance of
FrontPage will open - the folder list for this site will show _private
and images folders. The www.whatevery.com/fire website goes here. YIf
you create this on your PC, publish to http://www.whatevery.com/fire -
you will be asked if you wish to create a new website at this location.

The www.whatevery.fire.com is produced in exactly the same way. Then
ask your host (or you may be able to use a Control Panel) to create a
subdomain and point it to the folder at www.whatevery.com/fire.
The subdomain will most likely be http://fire.whatevery.com (not the
way you specified).

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