I have a java applet running in a little website i'm trying to design, and
when a user clicks on something in the
menu, I need for it to open in a certain frame, ie: the main one, (bottom
right aka rbottom) I've searched extensively,and only found how to set
target frames for buttons
etc.. but nothing for the java applet. Even if I right click in the source
frame and go to frame properties (any properties) I make the target frame
rbottom, it still opens a whole new page.. grrr
Could anyone clarify?
for example, the fourth line from the bottom, The aboutus.htm is a link in
the java applet (for *about us*), but I need for it to open in a certain
frame, is there some
code i'm missing here simply?
<applet code="PictureMenu.class" codebase="./" align="baseline" width="140"
<param name="AppletHomePage" value="http://go.to/javabase">
<param name="bgcolor" value="666666">
<param name="fgcolor" value="FFBBBB">
<param name="font" value="Allegro BT">
<param name="fontsize" value="16">
<param name="mouse" value="FAFAD2">
<param name="highlight" value="666666">
<param name="fontStyle" value="b">
<param name="select" value="left">
<param name="delay" value="10">
<param name="STEPS" value="30">
<param name="switchSteps" value="10">
<param name="background" value="menugraph.jpg">
<param name="type" value="menu">
<param name="rounding" value="10">
<param name="highlightFade" value="flip">
<param name="inFade" value="leftright">
<param name="outFade" value="leftright">
<param name="menuMain" value="{About Us,aboutus.htm} {This
,menu2}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<here (aboutus.htm)
{Schedule,na/htm} {Registration,http://www.lycos.com/,_blank} {Contact Us,
na.htm}{Other info, na.html}>
<param name="menu1" value="{Sub-menu 2,menu2} {Random
Link,http://random.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/ryl} {Back,menuMain}">
<param name="menu2" value="{Physical Layout,menu1} {Detailed
You'll need Java to view properly
I have a java applet running in a little website i'm trying to design, and
when a user clicks on something in the
menu, I need for it to open in a certain frame, ie: the main one, (bottom
right aka rbottom) I've searched extensively,and only found how to set
target frames for buttons
etc.. but nothing for the java applet. Even if I right click in the source
frame and go to frame properties (any properties) I make the target frame
rbottom, it still opens a whole new page.. grrr
for example, the fourth line from the bottom, The aboutus.htm is a link in
the java applet (for *about us*), but I need for it to open in a certain
frame, is there some
code i'm missing here simply?
<applet code="PictureMenu.class" codebase="./" align="baseline" width="140"
<param name="AppletHomePage" value="http://go.to/javabase">
<param name="bgcolor" value="666666">
<param name="fgcolor" value="FFBBBB">
<param name="font" value="Allegro BT">
<param name="fontsize" value="16">
<param name="mouse" value="FAFAD2">
<param name="highlight" value="666666">
<param name="fontStyle" value="b">
<param name="select" value="left">
<param name="delay" value="10">
<param name="STEPS" value="30">
<param name="switchSteps" value="10">
<param name="background" value="menugraph.jpg">
<param name="type" value="menu">
<param name="rounding" value="10">
<param name="highlightFade" value="flip">
<param name="inFade" value="leftright">
<param name="outFade" value="leftright">
<param name="menuMain" value="{About Us,aboutus.htm} {This
,menu2}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<here (aboutus.htm)
{Schedule,na/htm} {Registration,http://www.lycos.com/,_blank} {Contact Us,
na.htm}{Other info, na.html}>
<param name="menu1" value="{Sub-menu 2,menu2} {Random
Link,http://random.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/ryl} {Back,menuMain}">
<param name="menu2" value="{Physical Layout,menu1} {Detailed
You'll need Java to view properly