FP2000 newbie: my first web



I hope this is the proper NG - if not, a drop-kick in the proper direction
would be appreciated.

I wanted to create a web site for my business, so I took the plunge with
FrontPage 2000 and started building a web site. Should be easy - point and
click, drag and drop, insert and format, .... okay, so maybe there's a
reason why some get to be MVPs and I'm not gonna qualify! 8>{

Can anyone point me to a decent book or online overview or tutorial of how
to map out a coherent, useable web site? Not looking for all the fancy tips
and tricks - just something that I won't get lost creating, and my visitors
won't get lost or frustrated using. And a book that will explain how to use
the features to FP 2000 to best achieve a good web site? (So I can look up
the answers instead of coming here and asking dumb questions!) (One post
here led to some great online tutorials at
http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/tutorials/index.asp, but I am unable to
access them with the computer I'm using the build the site, and I can't seem
to put them on CD to play them there.)

And one specific question, please: I'm using the "Fiesta" theme. I can not
figure out how to center the "Home" banner on the page. If someone can tell
me where to set the formatting for these, I would be very grateful.

Thank you.

Jeff Teel

One thing that helped me get started with designing web pages was using the
templates that come with FrontPage. I don't have FP 2000 to refer to (I'm
using FP 2003)but when you begin a new web you can choose from different
templates of web sites that will put the base together for you and then you
just edit or add what you want the those pages. And it helps you get a feel
of how FrontPage works. If you have used Microsoft Word they are very much

As far as using the features in FrontPage the help that comes with FP will
tell you what you need to know at least for now until you get comfortable
with using FP. You mentioned that you wanted to center "Home Banner" on your
site.......again as with MS Word you can highlight the banner or click
beside the right end of it and then choose the "Center" option on the
formatting toolbar. It looks like five horizontal lines (like this only five
lines instead of two =) There should be four icons that have the horizontal
lines which are used for aligning text or images....one will align Right,
one will align left, one will center and the last will spread text so that
it is straight on both left and right boarders.



Thanks, Jeff.

Jeff Teel said:
One thing that helped me get started with designing web pages was using the
templates that come with FrontPage. I don't have FP 2000 to refer to (I'm
using FP 2003)but when you begin a new web you can choose from different
templates of web sites that will put the base together for you and then you
just edit or add what you want the those pages. And it helps you get a feel
of how FrontPage works. If you have used Microsoft Word they are very much

I am usingf a template, but I couldn't tell you which one at the moment.
(I'm at work on a different computer.) I use Word and Excel all the time,
but not for web pages. 8>)
As far as using the features in FrontPage the help that comes with FP will
tell you what you need to know at least for now until you get comfortable
with using FP.

Well, that's why I came here. I couldn't find the topic in Help, or a menu
under Format. Probably need a hand-holding "For Dummies" book or similar
until I get a feel for everything.
You mentioned that you wanted to center "Home Banner" on your
site.......again as with MS Word you can highlight the banner or click
beside the right end of it and then choose the "Center" option on the
formatting toolbar. It looks like five horizontal lines (like this only five
lines instead of two =) There should be four icons that have the horizontal
lines which are used for aligning text or images....one will align Right,
one will align left, one will center and the last will spread text so that
it is straight on both left and right boarders.

Hmm - I thought I tried right clicks everywhere - but I'll try again to hit
the right spot. Now that you've told me, I'm sure the program will act
right. (Isn't that the way it always works?!!)

Thanks much.

Jeff Teel

Hi Ed

I sent a reply to your email address that has a graphic attached to it to
show how to center the banner.


Jeff Teel

Don't ya just love them!!! I guess that's why they say "a picture is worth a
thousand words".

Glad to help

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