I hope this is the proper NG - if not, a drop-kick in the proper direction
would be appreciated.
I wanted to create a web site for my business, so I took the plunge with
FrontPage 2000 and started building a web site. Should be easy - point and
click, drag and drop, insert and format, .... okay, so maybe there's a
reason why some get to be MVPs and I'm not gonna qualify! 8>{
Can anyone point me to a decent book or online overview or tutorial of how
to map out a coherent, useable web site? Not looking for all the fancy tips
and tricks - just something that I won't get lost creating, and my visitors
won't get lost or frustrated using. And a book that will explain how to use
the features to FP 2000 to best achieve a good web site? (So I can look up
the answers instead of coming here and asking dumb questions!) (One post
here led to some great online tutorials at
http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/tutorials/index.asp, but I am unable to
access them with the computer I'm using the build the site, and I can't seem
to put them on CD to play them there.)
And one specific question, please: I'm using the "Fiesta" theme. I can not
figure out how to center the "Home" banner on the page. If someone can tell
me where to set the formatting for these, I would be very grateful.
Thank you.
would be appreciated.
I wanted to create a web site for my business, so I took the plunge with
FrontPage 2000 and started building a web site. Should be easy - point and
click, drag and drop, insert and format, .... okay, so maybe there's a
reason why some get to be MVPs and I'm not gonna qualify! 8>{
Can anyone point me to a decent book or online overview or tutorial of how
to map out a coherent, useable web site? Not looking for all the fancy tips
and tricks - just something that I won't get lost creating, and my visitors
won't get lost or frustrated using. And a book that will explain how to use
the features to FP 2000 to best achieve a good web site? (So I can look up
the answers instead of coming here and asking dumb questions!) (One post
here led to some great online tutorials at
http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/tutorials/index.asp, but I am unable to
access them with the computer I'm using the build the site, and I can't seem
to put them on CD to play them there.)
And one specific question, please: I'm using the "Fiesta" theme. I can not
figure out how to center the "Home" banner on the page. If someone can tell
me where to set the formatting for these, I would be very grateful.
Thank you.