FP2002 can't find IIS server




On a Windows XP Pro machine with IIS 5.1 installed, and FP Extensions
installed, I can't get FrontPage to "publish" because it thinks there is
no server running.

I have verified that the server IS running, and I can view an index.html
page in my browser by typing http://localhost

This happens whether I create a new web in FP and attempt to publish it
to my ISP, or whether I connect to a web already on an ISP server and
attempt to publish it to http://localhost/webname. (As an aside, I can
connect to a web on one ISP's server, but not to any of the other webs I
maintain on a different ISP's server.)

I can do everything just fine from another machine (behind the same
router) with Win98 SE/PWS 4.

Additionally, when I am in the IIS snapin to administer IIS, I am
presented with a choice in "All Tasks" to "Open with FrontPage". Yet
when I try to do that I receive a message that the FrontPage client has
to be installed on the same machine. It is, but somehow IIS and FP2002
are not on speaking terms.

The steps we followed were:
Install IIS and all the associated things required, including FP
extensions, then,
Configure IIS and make sure we could browse to http://localhost
Install FP2002

What the heck am I missing?


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