FP2003 and Apache 2 with webdav




I have this error when accessing to site and folder of a Apache 2/webdav site:

301 Moved Permanently

I don't see any files.

I use FrontPage 2003 SP1 with Windows 2000 and Apache 2.0.52 on Red Hat.

I can use webdav from Windows (2000 and XP) and from Mac OS X. It's OK.



<Directory "/data/web/sites_web/admin/wwwroot/html">

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny
Allow from all



I really hate to be one of those "me too" posters. But, I would like to know
if anyone out there has gotten Frontpage 2003, Apache 2, WebDAV, and SSL all
to work together. I am having difficulty doing so. I have gotten all but
the SSL to work together.


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